PCI DSSA single data breach can severely impact a company’s reputation as well as their ability to conduct business in the future. For merchants that process, store and transmit credit card information, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard compliance (PCI DSS) has never been more important.

In order to provide comprehensive and objective information about a company’s PCI DSS compliance status, LibyanRoots offers a variety of assessment services. Designed to meet the needs of every organization regardless of size, LibyanRoots’ services address all PCI DSS requirements, including security management, policies, procedures, network architecture, software design and other critical protective measures.

Our consultants can help an organization achieve compliance with PCI DSS by helping the organization in:

  • Defining a suitable scope of compliance
  • Managing the implementation of security controls
  • Assisting in the development of security processes
  • Assisting in selection and deployment of advanced technologies
  • Liaising with the QSA and manage the PCI DSS Certification process
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