Vulnerabilities Risk Analysis
At Libyan roots you will find the most suitable vulnerability/risk-based program for your organization, our consultants can provide you with a vulnerability/risk approach which can you implement it on the company that no other commercial products can provide, with our customized Vulnerability risk analysis we provide you with the exact risk rating of each founded vulnerability in your network and its real impact.
Customer benefits of VM
- Define the real risk of a vulnerability.
- Reduce internal and external risks.
- Apply company’s policies more efficiently.
- Classify vulnerabilities by risk/threat and remediation effort.
- Maintain security through customized management program.
- Eliminate False positives of risks related to vulnerabilities.
The Service will provide the client with the following deliverables:
- Vulnerabilities’ Risks report.
- One day training on how to apply the customized V-R approach. [Maximum 3].